
April 17, 2012

Hello My Old Friends...

I used to be a runner. I know, people say that all the time. But I did. I really used to be a runner, and I used to be pretty good at it too. I was so proud of myself for staying in shape throughout my entire pregnancy and continued to walk 3-4 miles up to my last 6 weeks. Then baby came. And now, I am not a runner. I am a walker sometimes trotter occasional galloper, but I am definitely not a runner. Its true what mommy's say that the
baby takes all your time. Its true that you have a hard time fitting in what you used to be passionate about before baby. Of course, I'll put in the required disclaimer that I wouldn't trade in anything for my little rugrat because you know its true. However, I want to be a runner again. I want to feel the wind in my hair. I want to see the scenery fly by me. I want to pound the ground like its my arch enemy that I must conquer. I want to feel my heartbeat pulse through me and count the rhythm of my breaths. I want to feel my muscles move and work to propel me forward. I want to say my mantras and push myself to keep going even though my brain is telling me this is insane. I want to be me with me again if only for 30 tiny precious minutes a day. 

And so...I must put on my old friends...and become a runner...again.

White Rock Marathon 2008
Checkmark that off of lifetime achievements

Turkey Trot 8 Miler
Every Thanksgiving started
off my day with such fun!

Always making silly cheering faces

Seth woke up at 5am to cheer me on for one of the White Rock Half
Now that's love...ahhh


  1. I woke up at 5am too!!

  2. This is true! Thank you for taking such a great picture for me to be able to post later on my blog!

  3. Oh I loved this entry. I used to be a runner too. I was all signed up and ready for the Loch Ness Marathon in Scotland but feel pregnant and was not allowed to run. I stop and it's only now that i am back running again. Only 5km at a time but I am getting there. It took me a long baby is 2 on Sunday. Happy to be a new follower of your blog and hope to read a lot about running :)

    1. Thank you so much! I went out that very day I made the entry. I was out for 40 minutes total and walked about 15 minutes and trotted about 25 of it. I'm only hoping to get back up to 5k! Glad you liked the post and welcome to the blog!

  4. You can do it! From a walk, to a gallop, to a jog, and before you know it, you'll be pounding that pavement again and whizzing right on by all the scenery... best of luck!
    I just found you via ExpatWomen and thought I'd stop by and say hi... Hi! :)

    1. Thank you for the support! I"m getting my old friends dirty again which is a good sign. Appreciate the comment and stopping by the blog. Please, make sure to come by every once in a while!
