
Showing posts with label Ruins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ruins. Show all posts

July 15, 2012

Return to Tulum...

Since my parents were visiting, we had to take them to Tulum to see the ruins. This time we left the baby with the nanny so we could enjoy a full day in the sun with no worries of crankiness and sunburns. Also, I got to go all the way up to the cliff and look over the edge at the water

May 22, 2012

Tulum- Part III...

Here is the final installment of this trip to Tulum. Hope you enjoyed looking at the pictures as much as I enjoyed walking around the grounds. I know to some, it may seem like just a bunch of rocks and buildings. However, for me, even with all us tourist walking around making our poses

May 20, 2012

Tulum- Part II...

There were just so many pictures of Tulum that I couldn't get them all in one post. So rather than have you all go though a million pictures, I decided to do multiple posts so you can choose if you want to keep looking. Most of these are more of the quirky side of Tulum. Who'd

May 18, 2012


Last Monday we took a little drive about 45 minutes from Playa to Tulum to see some of the larger Mayan ruins before my mother-in-law went home. Boy, were we surprised when we drove up! I have to say that Mexico has this tourist thing down because it looked like we were

April 22, 2012

Mayan Ruins in Playacar...

One of the great things about Playacar is that they there are pockets of ruins throughout the entire area. Its so neat for us when we are walking at night to see these small artifacts right on the

April 15, 2012

On Our Evening Walk...

Because the baby is just a pinch colic in the evening, Seth and I have made it a habit to go on a walk so we don't loose our sanity or what is left of it. Its nice walking around the different neighborhoods of Playacar and seeing how each one is unique to itself even though we are all one big neighborhood of Playa. Last night, we walked through Playacar Phase 1 which is right on the beach and has the most beautiful and unique homes. We found ourselves roaming endlessly just enjoying the beach, houses, ruins, and surroundings. Before we knew it, two hours had

April 12, 2012

And So Our Story Begins...

We are finally here! After living in Panama for 10 months, we realized it just wasn't the place for us. We are originally from Texas so moving to Mexico was not originally on the list because we felt like we wanted to experience a different viewpoint other than Mexican. However, its funny how when you move away from what's familiar, you don't realize how