
April 24, 2012

When Did You Say We Got Married?...

Yes, its true. Neither my husband or I can remember when exactly we got married. Let me think here. I'm pretty sure it was July. No wait, May. Hmmm...Ok, it had to be June because we left for Panama in July, but we couldn't get married until after the sell of the house for paperwork reasons. Yes, June it was. Now, if you want me to narrow down the day, forget it!

Its not that we don't care...but, well, I guess we don't care. Its just an unimportant day for us. I remember we scheduled in between our move, and I was actually almost late because I decided to take my nephew, Yacoub, to Fat Straws for Bubble Tea. We had no one at the ceremony
and went out for a lovely lunch at La Madeleine for tomato soup to celebrate. Our wedding photographer, my niece, Sabah, took pics of us on her Iphone when we got home so we'd remember the day. I guess I think more about when we met as being the significant time of our relationship than some day that we stood in front of a judge and said, "I do" because really, I'd said, "I do" two years earlier when I fell in love.

But honestly, think about it. How could I not fall in love with a man who remodeled my garage on our first date? He brought treats for my dogs to win them over for goodness sakes! He a poor lactose intolerant sole ate Ben and Jerry's with me because he knew that I loved ice cream, but he would pay dearly for it later. On our second date, I took him to a hockey game. Yes, I love hockey, and now my husband does too. He loved that I politely reminded yelled at Marty Turco that he was a goalie not a forward and belonged in the net (that dang Marty Turco)! So, from that day forward, we were inseperable. He moved in two months later, and the rest is as they say history...or future as I like to think.

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