
September 11, 2012

I'm a Bad, Bad, Bad Blogger!...

Here I am 13 days into my trip to Oklahoma/Texas and not a peep out of me! I have no excuses. None. Well, except that I've been crazy busy just enjoying hanging with my family and catching up with friends. I have been taking pictures, I hope that counts at least. Hopefully, I'll get a couple of things out there in the next few days in order to show you all more of my home.

I have to say that it has been fantastic seeing my family, but boy are Taelyn and I exhausted! We each catch naps whenever and wherever we can. I wish I had a swing like her to nap in while someone pushed me for over an hour! Anyway, I've been adjusting to the crazy driving of Dallas again, and how everything is "go, go, go!" Funny, how when you drive 25 MPH for over 5 months, 40 MPH seems like you're driving the Indy 500. I had to keep asking my niece if I was allowed to turn or not because I'm not used to the whole "turn on yellow blinking light" thing.

So here's what we've been up to:
  • Eating
  • Visiting my old job to see some old friends and show off Taelyn
  • Lunch with my old boss and friend, Tracy...such good times! Little interesting piece of info: Out of the 6 years I worked at Kohl's, I followed Tracy to different stores for 4 1/2 years of those. We drove each other crazy, but we were a good team.
  • Eating
  • Lunch with my friend, Dana whom lived in Cozumel for 17 years, but now lives in Dallas. Ironically, Dallas is where I actually met her, and I've been trying to get her to move back with me since our move to Mexico.
  • Eating
  • Getting Taelyn's ears pierced. I was an absolute nervous wreck! Thank God, my sister and niece were there to be the calm ones.
  • Clothes shopping
  • Eating
  • Mule shopping...whatever do I mean? Yeah, so anytime someone goes back, they usually end up with a list of things to pick up for other expats. This trip had quite a mule list. Hope I have enough room and meet weight restrictions.
  • Necessity shopping; Mexico does not really have that great of a selection of baby stuff like strollers, safety equipment, and accessories so to the US we must go.
  • Oh, did I mention eating? Eating!

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